
By | February 14, 2006

Why does hope exist? Why does the ray of sunlight break thru a cover of thick clouds when it knows it cant break them? Why do mirages exist in the desert when no one can take them?

Why is there always a small pause in the middle of every storm? Why is there a distant light in the darkness ever at all?

When the ray of light has to go back, when the mirages have to disappear, when the pause has to cease and give way to the fierce storm, when the distant light is going to fade out after all….

Are these just reassurances….to let man bear thru the dark n the storm, the desert n the dark…

or are they just a creation of man’s mind? a search for hope when there is none…a search for water when there is desert for miles and miles….

is hope the only means of survival? why? why not finish it all at one go, kill the hope n kill the soul.

kill the future..n kill the goal…

let tomorrow never live…if darkness is what exists…

if darkness must remain, never show the light….

if hopelessness must prevail, let hope never rise!!!

4 thoughts on “Thoughts……

  1. Alapana

    If you kill the HOPE there is no Tomorrow and without Tomorrow there is no meaing to existence.

    I know words dont mean anything for now,But, i can only wish and pray that one day i will come back here to read something which will make me smile,You are in my Prayers.


  2. Melody

    I will quote from the Bible for you. It’s a bit deep, but perhaps you’ll get it…

    1 CORINTHIANS 13: 4-13
    “we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

    When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

    Now we see but a poor reflection;
    then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am full known.

    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

    You’re right hope one day shall pass (because when in heaven, there will be no more to hope for – also once condemned to hell – or as you say darkness, there will be no more hope).

    Likewise faith shall pass away – because faith is belief in absence of seeing – but when in heaven or hell we shall see & know. Hence we’ll not need faith.

    The only thing we’ll ever need – in this life or the after life (and I’m assuming only in heaven!) – is love.

    Sorry, this was a long story – but I guess on a post dated 14th Feb, it seems apt 🙂

    Be blessed!

  3. soumya

    u r right…
    life is circle…
    and only few try to break the circle… others r happy in following it… even those who r able to break it they come in again…

  4. @$#!$#

    @ aalapana: well, existence is pointless anyways, when our lives are ruled by nothing but probability.

    @ mel: beautiful words…i m left speechless!

    @ soumya: thats the irony of life dude!! can’t help it though.


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