The voice

By | May 9, 2014

He stood at the platform with weary, sleepy eyes, waiting for the first train of the morning. At 4.30am, there was no one around. Then he heard it, that lovely, melodious voice coming through the speakers, announcing that his train would arrive in 5 minutes. The voice was his only companion, reassuring him that he was not alone that morning. Someone else was there! Day after day, he heard the voice. It was his pillar of support at that morning hour. He started waking up not with the motivation of work, but with the hope that he would hear the voice again. He felt low on days the voice was replaced with a canned computerised voice.  He fell in love with the voice.

Then he got promoted, and his shift timing changed to a more bearable morning hour. Only, there was no voice during rush hour. Life moved on.

He met her at the park. They both loved cycling, ice-creams & the crisp morning breeze on the weekends. Love has stranger ways of blossoming, in this case it was cliched but then, has a cliche ever stopped the emotion! A year after they shared their first ice-cream, they married.

Fifteen years since the day they first met, they were sitting with their friends in the same park where they met. Someone wanted to know if she was his first love. He sheepishly mentioned the voice. Something life had made him forget. And yet, at that moment, he felt even closer to it. He felt as if the voice had never left him, it had stayed with him all these years, loving him, comforting him, being the companion he wanted in life. It was at this moment that he looked into her eyes, and they both knew.

She was the voice!

This post is a part of writer’s block series, where I write on topics suggested by friends on Facebook. This topic(surreptitious serendipity) has made me write my first ever fiction piece. Thanks Sai!   

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