A few spins, a few turns…

By | October 30, 2006

It is always difficult to write a post when I have a lot going around in my mind. Everything wants to be put down as a statement, and yet there has to be a coherence, a meaning in what is written. or should there be one? I don’t know, so here goes.

I’ve been wondering about time. Time, that is the catalyst for change, that keeps changing even if everything else wants to remain the same…and once time has changed, it catalyses change. From a purely analytical point of view, time keeps moving because the earth keeps spinning on its axis, and around the sun. Most philosophers will cringe at such a dry explanation of time. But this is the disadvantage of being an engineer, you develop an ability to view everything in a terribly analytical fashion. Yet, however analytical I get about time, I cannot stop it. Or even so, make it go back.

There is only one shot you get at life, they say. Some believe you are re incarnated, and thus will get another shot at life. Hindu mythology believes that the human form is achieved after a soul goes through 64 thousand different life forms(called yonis). Many believe that the human soul is destined for heaven, or hell, based on what you have done on earth. I don’t subscribe to this view. In my opinion, all payback happens in the same very life that you are living, no balance is carried forward.

So where am I trying to get to with all this heavy philosophical babble. Actually, I don’t know. And even if I were to know, whats the point? So let me get back to the topic at hand..

So time keeps moving, and pulls life ahead with it. Our actions of today become memories of tomorrow, and might even be forgotten the day after. Tomorrow is just a day away from being today. In the big picture, the sun is going to explode and annhilate this planet forever. But I am not going to live for that long, am I? So let me not worry about the tomorrow that I am never going to see. But in a smaller picture, I see people ravaged by hunger, countries ravaged by fighting, children crippled by landmines, the polar ice caps melting, wars, tears, pain, anger….

The way we are going today, I don;t think we need the sun to wipe out our planet. We look like we’ll self-destruct.

Is there a solution? of course there is, everybody knows it. But nobody will implement it. Inflated egos need to be maintained, world supremacy and dominance must be held…who cares if thousands are murdered in the name of protecting freedom. Who is the terrorist? Why do we focus on bringing these “terrorists” out of their holes and killing them? Why do we kill in the name of God? Why don’t we try to help people to leave their weapons? Why don’t we ignore those selfish leaders who interpret holy words of peace in their favour and start off wars, killing innocent people?

Why do we forget that all we have in life are a few spins, and a few turns…before we log out? Pretty ironic…isn’t it?

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