I was reminded of this Samuel Taylor Coleridge classic today morning, quite rudely I must say, by my housekeeper. Intentional or not, she ended up emptying almost a litre of water on my bed. I found this out almost half an hour after she left, when I was about to plant my rear on the bed to write a post(that comes up next).
And my bed is usually where my laptop, camera, wireless keyboard, my books, all co-exist. Thankfully my laptop and camera were spared from the watery deluge. The keyboard is really wet, and now I am using the laptop keyboard after a while.
And I type this sitting on the hard wooden board of the bed. The mattress, the pillows, the sheets, everything is soaked.
I guess my Sunday is going to be more fun than I thought!
Author’s Notes: The poem referred in the title is called The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge