A blogger’s conundrum…..

By | August 22, 2007
In the world full of stuff to write upon, what does a blogger write? This is the conundrum that faces me tonight, and I intend on sharing it.

First, let me put down a list of most obvious topics that most “celebrity” bloggers would write about(maybe some have already written about these):

1. 123 – The nuclear deal between India & US. And how the left is reacting to what seems to be right.
2. Sanjay Dutt getting bail from the Supreme Court.
3. The shocking murder of a Mumbai teenager, who was kidnapped, apparently by some “Angel” he met on Orkut.
4. India’s great performance in the test series, and even better performance in the first one dayer against England.

Obvious topics done, here are the topics I would usually talk about:
1. Some analysis of a broken heart.
2. Some review of an ad, a movie or another blog.
3. Some random rant about any of the news item above.

Now these are not what I am going to write about. Because I do not know what to write about today. There is so much to write about, but for some reason, I do not feel like writing about any of these. Why? Because there are some days when silence remains the better choice. There are times when words are all powerful, but then there are times when one needs to be silent. Why?

You must be thinking, he’s lost it this time! Well I have news for you, I never found it to lose it. Go figure.

One thought on “A blogger’s conundrum…..

  1. pilot-pooja

    Hi Ashish!
    Had heard a lot abt ur blog, visited it for the fst time!

    Must say, nice one!


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