4 degree celsius…

By | January 8, 2007

and still without a sweater, a jacket…or any kind of warm clothes. Yep..thats me. Its fun to feel the chilly wind hitting you flat on as you walk on the road….

Staying without any kind of warm clothing in Delhi’s chilly winter can be best described in one word..insane. And I have heard it so many times over the last two weeks that i got myself a really thin jacket from CP yesterday. Not because I feel cold, just to keep people satisfied…and to be left in peace….and as one of my friend’s dad put it, to “respect the season”.

CP was a lot of fun yesterday. I had gone there with a friend, and managed to do a little bit of shopping. It was decently crowded, and not over crowded as it usually is. Maybe because it was a Sunday. Central park was crowded, as usual. Maybe its a ritual to visit central park, and crowd that place everytime you visit CP. Luckily, I skipped the ritual.

And I managed to watch the sun set from CP yesterday…of all the sunset points in the world…I get to see it at CP. But it was a decent view, watching the sun set between two high rises..mountains of today I suppose. Whatever….

And to top it off..I did not click it…maybe it was the wonderful baskin robbins double scoop in my hand that was the centre of my attraction.

Though I will post a sunset picture…this is the last sunset of 2006, as clicked from my patio.

Sunsets always have a certain charm. They represent the end of a day…and like this one…the end of a whole year…

But in all the gloom and the impending darkness…a sunset is so beautiful that for a minute it takes your mind off the night to follow…and the night can be spent thinking of the sunset that preceded it…and the sunrise that will follow it.

But till the night is over…and another dawn beckons…its the darkness…the chill…the 4 degree celsius….and memories of the sun that set…hoping that it would rise again.

Will it?

2 thoughts on “4 degree celsius…

  1. Sush

    I am surving -4 with a jacket and have survived -22C too…its incredibly cold at those temps!

  2. Alapana

    “It will,It always does,Isnt it”. Beautiful post,loved each line and your friend’s father said it right “To respect the season”


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